1:1 Personal Consultation (scheduled individually) & LIVE Weekly Virtual Group Consultations Tuesdays 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm CST

4 Week Wellness Consultation

Empowering women in ministry to sleep better, have better emotional and mental wellness, more energy, spiritual discipline, discplined habits, and toxin-free living in a Christlike, loving & safe space.

About Us

My physical wellness lifestyle started more than 15 years ago when I started reading food and product labels after hearing about women who suffered from severe illnesses due to toxins in the products they were using.  

I started making my own laundry soap, deoderant and toothpaste. I no longer have to do that because I found safe, non-toxic wellness products that are delivered to my door each month.

As the years passed with more responsibilities of ministry, work and school:

  • My stress levels increased
  • I gained weight
  • Had low energy
  • Hormone issues
  • Ate food with little to no nutritional value
  • Paid for a gym membership but did not use it

Then, I made the decision to be a good steward and make my health a priority. 

Now I sleep 7 – 9 quality hours each night, I move my body daily, I lost weight and I have more energy to steward my body, home and do God’s work with joy.

Your Consultation

Consultations are focused on holistic wellness - taking care of the whole person - mind, body & soul.

shallow focus photo of woman in beige open cardigan

1:1 personal consultation, zyto wellness scan &
3-month wellness plan to help reach your health goals

A Zyto scan utilizes voice analysis and kinetic response to identify what body system may need support or what nutrition, supplements, hydration, essential oils or sleep support you may need. You can do the remote scan in about 10 minutes using a computer or cell phone with WIFI and a microphone. You instantly get a report specific to your body with suggested wellness products.

Results Based on Your Efforts

Better Sleep

Learn how sleep affects overall health and tips to be disciplined in healthy sleep habits.

Better Mood

Learn how to identify, acknowledge and mange your emotions and use Scripture, aromatherapy, and other natural solutions.

More Energy

Learn 3 simple steps to boost your energy.


Learn how to swap toxic personal care, home health and home cleaning products for natural solutions.

Consistency, choices, habits, discipline, prioritization & daily action toward your health goals is the key to your success.

Client Testimonials

“Your services focus on the whole person. You give simple manageable tips on how to transform the whole person. You engage/challenge the participants each week by giving small achievable goals. Praying and scripture reading inspire us to stay on task and keep me motivated.”
Lennora B.
“You are a great teacher. You have done a lot of research to help others. If we have questions you are able to answer them and you give out plenty of helpful sources. You are kind and uplifting towards the women in your group. You have not only told us things to try but also shown us your own results from practicing what you preach.”
Keshana T.
“I thank you for contacting me about essential oils, it is something that I have been passionate about for quite some time, but did not know how to start. I have received better sleep, and I also noticed that I’m trying to go to bed a little earlier than usual.”
Syvella D.

Invest in Your Health

Many women are suffering in silence with low energy and mental, emotional, hormonal, and sleep struggles.

Join a Christlike, safe, and loving space with like-minded women to encourage you in being a good steward of your health.