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Do you struggle with sleep?

Tossing. Turning. Lying in bed. Staring at the ceiling. I have been there.

My first mission trip to a foreign country was to Guatemala in 2014. 

I loved teaching the Good News of Jesus Christ, learning about a new culture, and meeting new people. 

Our team awoke early in the morning and taught the English language using the Bible and  World English Institute lessons to many students throughout the day. 

The days were long but fulfilling. Our daily teaching schedule was Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm. We had a waitlist of students!

We ate dinner with the male missionaries, discussed our studies, then returned to our hotel rooms to prepare for bed and the next day of teaching. 

During the 2 weeks we were there I only slept about 2 – 3 hours each night. Perhaps my body was adjusting to a new place.

I was thrilled but exhausted.

I had been living a holistic lifestyle – making my own laundry soap, skin moisturizers, and reading labels on food, personal care, home health, and home cleaning products.  

When I returned home to the USA I did an online search for natural solutions for sleep. Lavender essential oil kept coming up in my search. 

That was the beginning of my love and use of aromatherapy for sleep support. 

Since incorporating holistic habits of essential oils, focusing on nutrition, fitness, drinking plenty of water, and maintaining a consistent bedtime routine, I sleep 7 – 9 hours each night!

5 Essential Oils for Sleep Support

  1. Lavender (my favorite sleep support oil!)
  • Put a few drops in 1 cup of Epsom salts for a relaxing bath before bed
  • Diffuse (add ½ cup of water to diffuser and 3 – 5 drops of essential oil)
  • Rub 1 – 2 drops on the bottoms of your feet
  • Close your eyes & inhale the fresh floral scent directly from the bottle
  1. Frankincense
  • Rub on temples 
  • Diffuse before bedtime or while praying or reading Scripture
  • Rub on wrists or over heart before practicing yoga
  1. Peace & Calming®
  • Many parents love to use Peace & Calming® to help their kids sleep
  • When the kids are fussy and don’t want to take a nap
    • Diffuse or mix with a carrier oil (olive, coconut, almond, etc.) and rub on the bottom of their feet and give them a foot massage
  1. Patchouli
  • Diffuse before bed to a calm environment 
  • Rub on bottom of feet
  1. Ylang Ylang
  • Great for the whole family
    • Right before bedtime stories and snuggles, place a drop of this oil mixed with a carrier oil in your kid’s palms, then have them rub their hands together, cup their hands over their nose, and inhale this soothing scent

God bless you

If you would like to learn more about essential oils for holistic wellness or aromatherapy for women in ministry check out my FREE email course Essential Oils 101 for Women in Ministry

Do you need help organizing your life, home, or office? Check out my organizational worksheets

FREE Bible Study Guide

Channetta Williams Young Living Essential Oils Brand Partner # 12587583


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