Holistic wellness embodies taking care of the whole person – spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional. How are you taking care of yourself today?
- Prayer is communication with God, the One who created us in His image (Genesis 1:27). It is a two-way spiritual relationship in which mankind talks to God and listens to hear God speak through His holy, written word (Hebrews 1:1 – 2). Prayer is a learned behavior that Jesus taught His disciples. Prayer is comforting in times of trouble, sadness, and rejoicing. Prayer is a privilege and a blessing. There are many examples in the Bible where people prayed silently and out loud. We can pray anywhere and at any time. There are different types of prayers (1 Timothy 2:1).
- Petitions – ask, desire, request
- Supplications – deep need, almost begging
- Thanksgiving – gratitude, praise
2. Reading Scripture – Daily Bible reading blesses our lives. Committing to a habit of reading the Bible is good stewardship. We benefit from reading the Bible by understanding how we were created and for what purpose. We learn God’s truths, it corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right, we realize our need for God, safeguard ourselves against false teaching, and find hope for eternal salvation. (2 Timothy 3:16 – 17).
3. Fitness – Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your wellbeing. Moving your body daily helps the mind and body. It helps brain and heart health, improves mood and mobility, strengthens muscles and bones, and improves the quality of sleep. I have great results from alternating my daily fitness routine of walking outside in the sunshine, cardio, strength training, and stretching/yoga/pilates.

4. Nutrition – Your food choices affect how you feel. Listen to your body when you eat. Food should be satisfying and nourish your body. Meal planning and meal prep saves time and money and benefits your waistline.

5. Prevention – Prevention is an effective tool in your overall well being. Holistic wellness is about committing to daily practices and products that support your wellness. God created the human body with amazing systems that all work together. I have been focusing on supporting my immune, hormone, respiratory and nervous systems and emotions by committing to daily consumption of an antioxidant supplement and applying essential oils topically and diffusing. My energy level has increased, the length and quality of my sleep have improved, and praise God it has been years since I have been to a doctor for anything other than a routine checkup!
6. Immunity Roller Bottle Recipe
5 drops Thieves
5 drops Lemon
5 drops Frankincense
5 drops Peppermint
10ml roller bottle
Fill with a carrier oil (olive, coconut, almond, etc.)
Roll on bottom of feet when you need an immune boost. Apply as often as 1x per hour depending on discomfort.

Understanding the source of your food and essential oils is important. Not all essential oils are created equal.
I used to buy my oils from the local grocery store or online until my research led me to understand some oils contain toxic chemicals harmful to the body. I have a source I trust and they have the antioxidant supplement that has me feeling more energized. Want to know more? Get in touch!
Channetta Williams Young Living Essential Oils Brand Partner # 12587583