Sharing is Caring

Living a healthy lifestyle does not have to be overwhelming.

It is a process that takes time, commitment, and planning.

Start slow and enjoy taking time to care for your wellbeing. The positive results are worth the effort. 

Living a healthy lifestyle is good stewardship. God entrusted you with one body. Manage it well.

1. Fitness

Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your well-being. Moving your body daily helps the mind and body. It helps brain and heart health, improves mood and mobility, strengthens muscles and bones, and improves the quality of sleep. Exercise according to your fitness level and ability.

  • Walk outside 30 minutes to 1 hour each day
  • Create a nightly routine for a 20 – 30 minute yoga practice before bed
  • Cardio gets the heart pumping

2. Ditch and Switch

Ditching toxic chemicals in cleaning products, personal care products, home health products, and makeup and switching to natural alternatives is a positive way to support the systems of your body.  A simple way to get started is to take one room in your home at a time:

3. Meal Planning 

Meal planning saves time, money, and can help your waistline.

Having a simple system/plan can help to eliminate overwhelm in what to eat, overeating, and eating unhealthy foods.

A simple solution starts with knowing your nutrition needs and goals. Does your body need more fruits and vegetables, do you have a goal to lose weight?

  • Make good nutrition and meal planning a priority
  • Schedule 30 minutes to 1 hour on your calendar each week or month (whichever works best for you) to plan what you are going to eat each day
  • Choose your method of planning (pen and paper or digital) 
  • Sit down and plan your meals. Have fun :). Choose cultural themes or try new recipes

Check out my meal planning worksheet that I use to eliminate food waste and get into the habit of meal planning.

God bless you

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