Sharing is Caring

Each person is facing a difficult trial or situation. It may be a:

  • Spiritual trial
  • Physical trial
  • Emotional trial
  • Financial trial
  • Social trial
  • Mental trial

There is Always Hope

God loves you and He wants you to spend eternity in heaven with Him. He has provided a way through His Son Jesus Christ who is the Savior of the world.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:6

And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world. 1 John 4:14

Maybe you are:

  • Overtaken in sin by Satan and need hope and salvation
  • Fighting addictions
  • Overweight and have struggled with weight loss for years
  • In financial debt and feel overwhelmed and in despair
  • Feeling anxious with all of the chaos in this world
  • Battling a debilitating sickness in your body
  • Grieving the death of a loved one
  • Feel alone and in emotional turmoil
  • Frustrated with your marriage, relationship with your parent, child, sibling, neighbor, or co-worker

Whatever trial you are facing God loves you. He created you with purpose and as long as you have breath in your body you and your situation can be transformed for the good and to the glory of God.

This 3 step process helps me to transform my situations for good and to glorify God.

1. Seek First the Kingdom of God

Matthew 6:33 

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Seek God for wisdom and have obedient faith

2. Acknowledge and Assess 

Know what your situation is and its severity

Acknowledge means to accept or admit the existence or truth of your situation.


  • I am in financial distress. I need to be a better steward of my money or earn more money.
  • I am overweight. I need to lose weight to improve my health.
  • I am in emotional turmoil. I need to take care of myself and I may need professional help in managing my emotions.

Assess means to determine the value, quantity, or quality of something

  • Financial debt (determine how much debt) 
  • Overweight (determine what is your healthy weight for your body)
  • Emotional distress (ask yourself what emotions are you feeling)

3. Take Action

Based on your commitment to seeking God and acknowledging and assessing your situation, determine what positive results you want and need. Create a plan to achieve your goal. Start today.

I pray these steps will help you to transform your situation, heart, and mind and that you will have peace and joy.

God bless you

If you found this helpful, check out my blog “3 Scriptures for When You Feel Anxious” 


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