Sharing is Caring

The words we speak and the thoughts we think matter to God. 

David, the Psalmist, declared that the word of God is perfect, right, pure, it warns, and in keeping them there is great reward.

He asked God to cleanse him from secret faults and not let sin have dominion over him. 

David Desired to be Pleasing to God

I learned Psalm 19:14 in the church assembly as a little girl.

Every Sunday at the end of service, the congregation stood and recited out loud, in unison Psalm 19:14  “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.”

The preacher’s final words to the congregation were the words the Apostle Paul said the Ephesian elders as he departed “…l commend you to God.” (Acts 20:32) 

I remember standing next to my mom and sisters in the assembly. I can still see the pulpit, baptistry, and burgundy seat covers on the pews. I am forever grateful for my spiritual foundation in Christ!

Whenever Satan tempts the words of my mouth or the meditation of my heart not to be acceptable to God I recite Psalm 19:14. 

Like David, I find comfort in knowing that God is my strength and redeemer. I can trust Him to care for my soul. 

Christians Can Control Their Thoughts and Words

Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22 – 23)

Praise God Christians are not left alone to live righteously and be pleasing to God! 

The Holy Spirit dwells within Christians as a helper. 

God patiently and constantly transforms the hearts and minds of His children into the image of His Son. (Romans 8:29)

I encourage you to recite Psalm 19:14 the next time you are tempted to not be pleasing to God in the words of your mouth and the meditation of your heart. Find strength and comfort in His holy word.

God bless you


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