The first five books of the Bible are called the Law, Torah, or Pentateuch.
The word Pentateuch is a combination of Greek words – penta meaning “five” and teuchos meaning scroll.
These books contain:
- The creation of the world
- Creation and history of mankind
- Sin
- The first promise of the coming Messiah to reconcile man back to God through His Son Jesus Christ Genesis 3:15
- The flood
- Seed and land promise to Abraham
- The Patriarchs and how God dealt with mankind through the male heads of families
- God’s chosen people – the children of Israel
- Slavery in Egypt
- Exodus from Egypt
- Wilderness wanderings
- The Law God gave through Moses which guided their worship, sacrifices, daily living, and included the 10 commandments
- The Sacrificial system
Who wrote the book?
What do we learn about God in this book?
God created the heavens, earth, mankind, and animals. God is the giver and sustainer of life. God made a promise to Abraham to save His people through His Son, Jesus Christ, the coming Messiah.
When was this book written?
We can estimate the time to be about 1400 BC
Where did the events in this book take place?
Egypt and Canaan
The Bible takes place in 3 continents (Africa, Asia, Europe)
Why was this book written?
The word Genesis means beginning. It shows the beginning of time on earth. To demonstrate that God is sovereign, loving, kind, forgiving, and merciful to mankind. God had a plan since before the creation of the world to save mankind from sin through His Son, Jesus Christ, the coming Messiah. It demonstrates the importance of God’s covenant with mankind.
Who wrote the book?
What do we learn about God in this book?
God is sovereign over all. God showed His power over false gods with the 10 plagues while He protected His chosen people and delivered them from slavery.
Exodus 12:12
‘For I will go through the land of Egypt on that night, and will strike down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments— I am the LORD.
When was this book written?
We can estimate the time to be about 1445 BC
Where did the events in this book take place?
Egypt and Canaan
Why was this book written?
Exodus means going out. It shows the history of the children of Israel in slavery in Egypt, God delivering them from slavery, 40 years wandering in the wilderness, the Law, the tabernacle where God’s presence dwelt with His people, and the beginning of systematic worship led by the Levitical priesthood.
Who wrote the book?
What do we learn about God in this book?
God is holy and expects His people to be holy. The cost of atonement and sacrifice for sin. Fellowship, sacrifice, and obedience to God.
When was this book written?
We can estimate the time to be about 1445 BC – 1400 BC
Where did the events in this book take place?
Sinai and Canaan
Why was this book written?
Leviticus takes its name from the tribe of Levi, one of the 12 sons of Jacob (whose name God changed to Israel). The men from this tribe were consecrated for religious work. Priests were chosen from the Levites. This book showed the children of Israel how to live a holy life and worship God with the sacrificial system, which is a foreshadow of Christ the sacrificial lamb.
Who wrote the book?
What do we learn about God in this book?
God is faithful. He protected the children of Israel for 40 years in the wilderness for what should have been an 11-day journey.
Deuteronomy 12:12
It is eleven days’ journey from Horeb by the way of Mount Seir to Kadesh-barnea.
When was this book written?
We can estimate the time to be about 1445 BC
Where did the events in this book take place?
Why was this book written?
Numbers takes its name from the two numberings of the Israelites – the first at Mount Sinai and the second on the plains of Moab. The long list of names are not to be skipped over or taken lightly because they have meaning in the ancient history of God’s people. God allowed His people to multiply in the barren wilderness.
Who wrote the book?
What do we learn about God in this book?
God loves His people. He gives them warnings and conditions. If they obey Him, He will bless them. If they disobey Him, He will curse them. God is faithful to His promises.
When was this book written?
We can estimate the time to be about 1405 BC
Where did the events in this book take place?
Plains of Moab
Why was this book written?
Deuteronomy is addressed to the new generation that will possess the Promised Land. Because of Moses’ disobedience to God, he will not enter the Promised Land. This book is his final instruction to the new generation of people he led out of slavery in Egypt 40 years earlier to remember their covenant with God in the new land.

This book is one of the references I used to study and prepare this blog. Check it out in my Amazon store.
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