What is one thing you want to do but have been avoiding because of fear?
Do it this weekend.
Think about a time in your life when you wanted something, you took action, and you did it.
I remember wanting to learn how to ride a bike when I was 11 years old.
My mom bought me a royal blue bike. I was thrilled!
It seemed SOOO big. But I was determined.
I can see my mom now as she watched me from the kitchen window while she washed dishes.
I fell off the bike.
Skinned my knee.
I was discouraged.
I went into the house and sadly told my mom how hard it was.
My mother has always encouraged me. She said, “You can do it, try it again”. That lesson has stuck with me through all of my goals.
I went back outside, climbed back on the bike, stumbled a few times, and SUDDENLY I was riding my bike.
I rode for what seemed like hours.
You can do the same.
Trust God and believe in yourself.
Psalm 56:3 New King James Version (NKJV)
Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You.
If you found this helpful check out my “Goal Setting Worksheet”
God bless you