Are you searching for a way to earn money working part-time from home?
What would you do with an extra $1,000 a month?
I help women earn money working from home using the example of the widow in the Bible in 2nd Kings chapter 4 who had a financial need and went to the man of God.
He asked her, “What do you have in the house?”
She said, “…nothing but a jar of oil”
He told her to “Go, sell the oil, pay your debt; you and your sons live on the rest”
A certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the LORD. And the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves.” So Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil.” Then he said, “Go, borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbors—empty vessels; do not gather just a few. And when you have come in, you shall shut the door behind you and your sons; then pour it into all those vessels, and set aside the full ones.” So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured it out. Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.” And he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” So the oil ceased. Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt; and you and your sons live on the rest.”
2 Kings 4:1 – 7 NKJV
Th widow received as much oil to sell as the number of vessels she had faith to borrow.
She had to have faith and work by selling the jars of oil to pay her debt and have money for her and her sons to live on.
God multiplied her one jar of oil based on her faith to borrow empty vessels.
I used that Biblical example for myself to start two home-based businesses using what I have in my house.
1. I operated a part-time virtual assistant business from home for 3 years using my God-given gift of organization/administration providing project management and graphic design services.
2. I started my home-based health and wellness business using what I have (premium quality essential oils & non-toxic wellness products). I educate women on how to take care of their bodies and bank accounts by swapping toxic personal care products such as hand soap, laundry soap, cleaners, air fresheners, sleep, hormone, emotional and respiratory support for plant-based products and how they can earn money by them helping other women do the same.
If you are interested in learning more about how you can start earning money from home working part-time, comment below or contact me to schedule a consultation.