Equip and Exhort

Guide to Effectively Praying Scripture

Do you struggle with prayer?

Praying Scripture is a simple and effective way to communicate with God.

opened book on brown field during daytime

Bible Study Guide

The Word of God is your guide for life on earth and eternity (life after death). This simple 1-page guide will help you as you study Scripture.

3 Holistic Ways to Boost Your Energy in Ministry

Are you feeling depleted, weary, no energy to continue serving others?

Learn natural ways to boost your energy in ministry.

woman holding joy text

7 Holistic Ways to Conquer Overwhelm in Ministry

For years I was overwhelmed with trying to manage ministry and the responsibilities of life (home, bills, working a 9 – 5).

In this guide, I share my wellness routines and habits that help me have joy in ministry and be a blessing to others.

group of women lined up

Women's Ministry Blog

Learn practical ways to implement spiritual disciplines in your daily life to strengthen your spiritual growth &  how women in ministry can use aromatherapy for their wellness and in ministry to others.

Schedule a Personal Bible Study with Me