Using my Gifts to Serve God
Guatemala 2014
I traveled to Guatemala in 2014 with 5 other women (single and married) to teach the English language using the Bible and World English Institute material. Male missionaries who live in Guatemala coordinated our 2-week campaign by placing ads in the local newspaper advertising free English classes using the Bible as a textbook.

Oklahoma 2016
Approximately 80 Christians from Alabama, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Virginia came together to knock on strangers doors in Oklahoma with the Northwest Church of Christ, and invite them to study the Bible using the “Back to the Bible” campaign. Jennifer, a single mother, (in the black shirt) accepted the invitation. Linda and I studied with her. After our study, I asked Jennifer if she wanted to be baptized for the remission of her sins (Acts 2:38). She said yes, and she was immersed into Christ.
Praying in Texas 2017
I prayed and asked God to send me truth seekers, people who sincerely wants to know God. I met Clinton as I was walking into a Christian bookstore. He asked me to pray for his sick cousin. During our conversation, I invited Clinton to study the Bible. He accepted the invitation. We studied the Jule Miller Visualized Bible Study which uses DVD’s to teach the Scripture.
After several days of studying I asked Clinton if he would like to be baptized for the remission of his sins (Acts 2:38). He said yes. Clinton and I spoke to an elder at the Sunset Church of Christ before his baptism to make sure he understood the commitment he was making to God, and Clinton was immersed into Christ.

The Great Commission
Matthew 28: 18 -20 NASB

Study the Truth of God's Word John 17:17
Immersed into Christ Guatemala 2014
Julio was my first student in Guatemala. He taught himself the basic English language by listening to audio books. After a few days of studying the Bible using World English Institute material, I asked Julio if he would like to be baptized for the remission of his sins (Acts 2:38). He said yes. We called the male missionaries who were about 45 minutes away from the hotel. They came and discussed the Scriptures with Julio to make sure he understood the commitment he was making to God and Julio was immersed into Christ.

Immersed into Christ Oklahoma 2016
Jennifer was immersed in water (Romans chapter 6) after studying the Bible with Linda and I using at the “Back to the Bible Campaign”.
Immersed into Christ Texas 2017
Clinton put Christ on in baptism (Galatians 3:27) after we studied Jule Miller Visualized Bible Study.

Serving Single Mothers USA
I was raised by a single mother. Single mother’s and their children hold a special place in my heart. I have served the single mother’s ministry since 2017 by teaching Bible classes and coordinating other teachers. (photo is of Bible teachers)

Solar Players Central America
I traveled to Honduras as a single woman in 2017 to deliver Solar Players to missionaries. Solar Players are audio players about the size of a cell phone and have the entire Bible, curriculum from Sunset International Bible Institute and Accapella singing. Many people around the world cannot read and do not have electricity. The solar players are powered by the sun and will be used to train teachers, preachers, and churches.
“Millions couldn’t read the Bible even if it were given to them in their own language. In fact, 774 million adults in the world can’t read or write. Others live in remote locations where 1.5 billion don’t have electricity.”
Serving the Elderly USA
I have been serving the elderly since 2016. I live within walking distance of an assisted living facility. I visit the elderly, have lunch with my friends at the facility and assist them with running errands and administrative tasks. God has blessed me with many Godly grandparents. I gain so much wisdom from spending time with them.