Do you suffer from digestive issues?

I got great results for digestive issues from my chiropractic care and using essential oils.
I am amazed at how God created the body.
I choose natural solutions to steward my body.
Before going to see my chiropractor today, I made a 10 ml roller bottle with Digize essential oil and olive oil and asked him to roll it on my body during my care. He also massaged 4 areas on my abdomen which helped to increase circulation in my intestine and I got immediate relief.
Each month I do a wellness scan using voice technology to get an idea of what natural support my body needs.
Chiropractic care, Pilates and digestive support were suggested on my scans for the last few months.
Since I implemented these natural solutions, I feel better and they are no longer showing up on my scans as support that my body needs.
Learn more about Zyto scans to support your body with natural solutions.