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Are you feeling emotional distress?

You are not alone.

God created you in His image. God expresses many emotions.

Anger – Psalm 7:11 God is a just judge, and God is angry with the wicked every day.

Grief – John 11:35 Jesus Wept.

God cares about you. 

1 Peter 5:7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

There is so much sin and evil in this world, AND there is a lot of love, goodness, and kindness. 

Satan wants us to focus on darkness and sadness. 

Jesus is the light of the world.

John 8:12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

I encourage you to focus on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith Hebrews 12:2

Women in the Bible felt emotional distress

Rizpah: Grief

She was a concubine and widow of king Saul whose two sons were hanged. She guarded their decaying bodies as she mourned 2 Samuel 21:1 – 14

Rachel: Despair

She envied her sister because she had children; she told her husband “Give me children or I will die!” Genesis chapter 30

Naomi: Anger/bitterness

Her husband and two sons were dead. She felt like she had lost everything. Ruth chapter 1

Natural ways I manage my emotions

  1. Acknowledge what emotion I am feeling
    • I am a visual learner. This color-coded feelings wheel from the University of Arkansas helps me identify what emotion I am feeling. Once I acknowledge my emotion, I give myself time to feel it and not suppress/bury it. Then I seek healthy ways to manage it.
  2. Reading the Psalms during times of emotional despair, grief, anger or joy comforts the soul. The book of psalms is a collection of 150 songs expressing the full range of human emotion and human experience.
  1. Praying Scripture
  2. Go outside in the sunshine
    • Commune with God in nature
    • Listen to the birds chirping
    • Look at the vibrant colors of the flowers 
    • Feel the sun on your face
    • Disconnect from social media – there are many statistics on social media addictions and the negative effects of social media on mental health
  3. Aromatherapy

Watch the video to see how I use aromatherapy for my emotions

I highly recommend seeking a Christian counselor if you are experiencing:

+ Anxiety

+Using unhealthy coping skills

+Thoughts of harming yourself or others

+Your psychological health is affecting your physical health

+A life transition

+A traumatic experience

+Difficult family or relationship dynamics

+Stress of single parenting

Remember, God loves you and I do too ❤️. You are never alone.


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