Skin is the human body’s largest organ.
Fun Fact: Adults carry up to 8 pounds of skin

God intricately created the human body.
According to WebMD, our skin protects us, helps regulate body temperature and permits sensations of heat and cold.
Have you ever suffered from itchy, irritated skin due to products you put on your body?
I have.
I remember holding my nose as a child while cleaning the bathroom with pine cleaner or bleach.
I suffered from respiratory issues as a child.
My mother, nor I knew the products we used daily were negatively affecting my health.
I have extremely sensitive skin.
When I was a teenager, I began to notice my breathing was affected whenever I was near toxic candles, air fresheners, perfumes or cleaners so I began to avoid those products.
Over the years, I have learned to read product labels before using personal care products on my body or bringing cleaning products into my home.
I started using natural products like vinegar and baking soda and making DIY deodorants and laundry detergents.
I enjoy DIY, but when life is busy I need an easy button. Now, I add plant-based wellness products to my cart each month and they are delivered to my door.
I am so grateful God blessed me to discover Young Living Essential Oils, a company that creates non-toxic plant-based products that actually support the systems of my body.
According to PubMed, the exocrine systems include:
- Skin
- Hair
- Nails
- Sweat
- Pancreas
- Small Intestine
WOW! I was shocked to learn that products I put on my skin are absorbed and can impact my entire body.
3 of my FAVORITE non-toxic personal care products
I encourage you to look in your bathroom, kitchen and laundry cabinets and read the labels on the products you use every day.
If you are ready to learn how to use more natural products view my slide presentation “Essential Oils 101”
If this was helpful for you read my blog 3 Simple Steps to Make Your Home Toxin-Free