Ruth in the Bible
Ruth is one of the few women listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ in Matthew chapter one. Her characteristics: Loyal, loving & compassionate
Ruth is one of the few women listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ in Matthew chapter one. Her characteristics: Loyal, loving & compassionate
Are you searching for a way to earn money working part-time from home? I found a way to use what I have to start two home-based businesses, and you can too.
Our homes should be a safe and healthy place. Harmful toxins and pollutants can easily invade our space without us knowing it.
Does Satan have you in bondage with emotional strongholds? The power of God is THE way to overcome emotional strongholds.
Do you suffer from digestive issues?
I got great results for digestive issues from my chiropractic care and using essential oils.
After not sleeping well on my first mission trip to Guatemala in 2014 I discovered aromatherapy for natural sleep support.
Now I sleep 7 – 9 hours each night.
The National Institute of Health statistics show individuals who get an adequate amount of sleep each night exhibit fewer emotional outbursts, such as anger, and display fewer aggressive behaviors
Your body and mind can thrive when you make your health a priority. You do not have to suffer during Daylight Saving Time. Making a commitment, and being aware and prepared are the first steps.
Diffusing is one of the best ways to enjoy the benefits of essential oils.
Oils in a diffuser can support your body, home and health without toxic chemicals.
Pure essential oils are potent. I highly recommend that you read product labels and follow the suggested guidelines for safety when using essential oils because I want you to enjoy your essential oil experience as much as I do.