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Yesterday, we studied  Shelomith in blog # 2 of 7 in the series “Women of the Bible”. We examined how we can assume she had a peaceful spirit because her name means peaceful.

This is blog # 3 of 7

Today, we will study:


Name Pronunciation: KOZ-bih

Name Meaning: Liar; sliding away

Who Was She? 

A Midianite woman who was killed by a priest because she schemed with the enemy of Israel to tempt the Israelite men into sexual sin.

Biblical Background

The Israelites camped in Moab on their way to Canaan. Israel was influenced by the Moabites to worship false gods. God commanded Moses to publicly kill the 24,000 people involved. Phineas, Aaron’s relative, stopped the plague by killing Cozbi and Zimri, thus removing God’s wrath from Israel.

Biblical Text

Numbers 22 – 25, 31:15 – 16, Revelation 2:14

Key Facts

  • The Moabite ruler was afraid when Israel came to his land (Numbers 22:1-7)
  • The Midianites joined the Moabites to hire Balaam (a prophet who talked to a donkey) to curse Israel, but God protected Israel. Balaam counseled a Midianite woman to sexually influence the Hebrew men to disobey God
    • Who Were the Midianites?
      • Midian was the son of Abraham and his wife Keturah (Genesis 25:1 – 2)
    • Who Were the Moabites?
      • Moab was the son of Lot and his oldest daughter after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:30 – 38)
      • God punished the Moabites because they did not provide bread or water to the Israelites when they came out of bondage in Egypt (Deuteronomy 23:3 – 5)
  • Zimri, a Hebrew man, entered into an illicit sexual relationship with Cozbi and publicly brought her to the Hebrew camp, took her into his tent, and had relations with her


  • Cozbi was deceptive and callous

Lessons From Her Life

  • Enticing others to sin is displeasing to God
  • God protects His chosen people

Geographic & Family Data

  • Where: Moab
  • Family: Father: Zur

Personal Life Application

Cozbi possessed the negative characteristics of deception and callousness

Download my 1-page Bible Study Guide 

  1. Print the guide so you can write your answers
  2. Ask yourself
  • Do I possess these characteristics?
  • If I do possess these characteristics, what steps will I take to be transformed?

The next Woman of the Bible we will study is Jochebed.

God bless you

Links to Each Blog in This Series:

Women of the Bible Series Blog # 1 of 7: Daughters of Zelophehad

Women of the Bible Series Blog # 2 of 7: Shelomith

Women of the Bible Series Blog # 3 of 7: Cozbi

Women of the Bible Series Blog # 4 of 7: Jochebed

Women of the Bible Series Blog # 5 of 7: Zipporah

Women of the Bible Series Blog # 6 of 7: Miriam

Women of the Bible Series Blog # 7 of 7: Puah and Shiphrah

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