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Your life matters to God.

Life is in Jesus. 

John 1:1 – 4 NASB 1995

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him, not even one thing came into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of mankind.

Jesus is the giver of life

Jesus sustains life

3 things to always remember when studying Scripture:

  1. Who is speaking
  2. To whom was it written
  3. What is the purpose
  4. What is the dispensation (period of time: Patriarchal, Mosaic, Christian)
AgeYears LastedHow God Dealt with MankindBegan – End
Patriarchal2500Fathers – head of familiesAdam –  giving of the law through Moses
Mosaic1500As a nation through the law of MosesMoses giving the law – Christ on the cross
Christian2000+Through Jesus and the Bible1st Pentecost after the resurrection of Christ 

Word study is an effective way to study Scripture

Choose one word (love, forgiveness, salvation, etc.) and search the Scriptures for that word.

This study focuses on the word “Life” in the Gospel of John

Chapter 1

v. 1:4 Life is in Christ

Chapter 5 

v. 5:21 God raises the dead and gives life to them

v. 5:24 Jesus said whoever hears His word and believes in God who sent Him has eternal life

v. 5:26 God and Jesus have life in themselves

v. 5:29 Those who are dead in their graves will hear the voice of God and be raised to eternal life 

v. 5:39 You search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life

v. 5:40 The Jews were not willing to come to Jesus so they could have eternal life

Chapter 6

v. 6:33 Jeus is the bread of heaven and gives life to the world

v. 6:35 Jesus is the bread of life

v. 6:40 Whoever believes in Jesus has life with God forever

v. 6:47 He who believes in Jesus has everlasting life

v. 6:48 Jesus is the bread of life

v. 6:53 Unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of Jesus you have no life in you

v. 6:54 Whoever eats the flesh and drinks the blood of Jesus has eternal life and Jesus will raise him up at the last day

v. 6:63 The Spirit of God gives life

Chapter 10

v. 10:15 Jesus gave His life to save mankind

v. 10:17 Jesus GAVE His life and God raised Him from the dead

v. 10:28 Jesus gives eternal life

Chapter 11

v. 11:25 Jesus raises the dead and He gives life

Chapter 14

v. 14:6 Jesus is the life

Chapter 17

v. 17:3 Jesus gives eternal life – to know the only true God and Jesus whom He sent

Chapter 20

v. 20:31 If we believe in Jesus we have life in Him

I encourage you to do your own personal word study of the word “LIFE”

I listed a summary of verses above with the word “life”. You will grow spiritually if you invest time in your personal study by praying, reading, and writing each verse yourself.

  1. Find a quiet space
  2. Turn off technology
  3. Use a paper copy of the Bible (not a cell phone to avoid distractions)
  4. Get a notebook, pen, and paper
  5. Start with prayer
  6. Slowly read each chapter of the Gospel of John 

(1 chapter per day will help you create a new habit of daily Bible reading. There are 21 chapters – that will take 3 weeks to complete. Studies show, on average, it takes 21 days or 3 weeks to start a new habit)

God loves you and He wants you to spend eternity in heaven with Him.

Have you had an obedient faith and been baptized (immersed in water Romans 6) for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38) so that you can have eternal life in Jesus Christ?

To further your study of God’s holy word, I recommend World Bible School, a FREE online Bible study you can do at your own pace. 

God bless you

If you found this helpful get your Guide “3 Holistic Ways to Boost Your Energy in Ministry”


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