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Stress over a long period of time may lead to physical symptoms such as headache, trouble sleeping, or jaw clenching, and may contribute to serious health problems. It is a good habit to learn to listen to your body and pay attention to how you feel in stressful situations.

I recall several seasons of my life when I felt stressed and overwhelmed. Sometimes my stomach was in knots, or my body craved unhealthy foods to numb my emotions. Most of those times were job-related. 

I prayed without ceasing, listened to spiritual songs, and meditated on Scripture to help me through those difficult days. 

Eventually, I walked by faith, quit my job, and moved miles 1,200 away from my family to dedicate 2.5 years of my life to studying God’s word in ministry training. 

That Season of Life was Like a Spiritual Oasis!

 I was in constant fellowship with God’s people and enjoyed learning about God and His word. 

As I began to focus on full-time ministry, stress began to creep in again. I had such a deep desire to serve God I said “Yes” to any opportunity to serve which lead to me being burnt out and exhausted again.

I have since learned to serve God in ways that align with my:

God-Given Identity

God-Given Purpose

God-Given Gifts

I highly recommend Christian psychological counseling. 

A part of my ministry training was an extensive mental health examination to ensure I was mentally healthy and prepared to serve others and to be able to handle the stress that naturally comes with ministry and life.

My counselor gave me the best advice (which I still use to this day) to support my mind and body naturally. 

She asked what healthy hobbies do I enjoy to relax or relieve stress. I shared I like to crochet, read, sew, go for long walks, or practice yoga. She suggested I add adult coloring as a way to relax my mind. It helps tremendously!

1. Color Therapy

I receive great mental health benefits from color therapy:

  • My brain relaxes
  • My mind focuses on the present
  • My stress level is reduced

Photo of a page from my adult coloring book

2. Yoga

Yoga offers physical and mental health benefits. It is a low-impact exercise that can be done seated in a chair, standing, or on the floor. It is great for adults and children.

According to the National Institutes of Health, scientific evidence shows that yoga supports:

  • Stress management
  • Mental health
  • Quality sleep

I sleep much better when I include yoga in my nighttime routine.

3. Journal

Journaling is a healthy way of processing your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. 

It is a simple process of taking how you feel out of your head and putting it on paper. You can write or draw your feelings, fears, desires, goals, or whatever is on your heart and mind.

 I have been journaling since I was a teenager. I always feel better after writing in my journal. It is encouraging to go back and read past journal entries I had about fear or worry. It reminds me that God is faithful to help me in my times of need and I had no need to worry.

Photos of some of my journals over the years.

Journaling helps:

  • Manage anxiety
  • Reduce stress
  • Self reflection 

Make it easy, eliminate distractions, and be patient with the process

  • Choose a notebook or pad of paper
  • Grab a pen or pencil
  • Set aside a few minutes to write each day or whenever you feel the need to process your emotions
  • Enjoy the process as a time for you to relax and take care of yourself
  • There is no right or wrong way to journal. Just let your words flow onto the page, don’t worry about spelling or being neat
  • A digital journal on your phone is an option but can be a distraction with notifications, social media, and texts messages 

My prayer for you is that you will seek God and find rest and peace in Him.

God bless you

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Anna · July 24, 2021 at 5:03 pm

I love the color therapy option. I’ve never tried it for relieving stress… even tho I have a few adult coloring books. I thought of it simply as a fun hobby and never considered it to be therapeutic. I’m gonna blow the dust off my books. Thanks.

    Channetta · July 26, 2021 at 6:13 pm

    Anna, I am excited you are going to dust off your adult coloring books! Enjoy color therapy.

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