Are you a woman in ministry who is feeling stressed and frustrated because you are not achieving your personal goals or doing what God is calling you to do?
You’re feeling tired and irritable with kids, family, co-workers, church members and neighbors; missing appointments, misplacing important paperwork, cluttered home, gaining weight due to stress, or maybe you are a business owner who is losing customers because you do not have a system.
I have been exactly where you are.
I was working a full-time job, commuting a long, exhausting distance to work in snow, rain, and fog, rushing home after work to eat a quick meal, and racing out the door to a ministry meeting, all the while needing to do laundry, wash the dishes, pay the bills, exercise, go to the grocery store, etc.
I was faithfully serving God in the singles ministry.
I was not reaching my goal of starting my own business.
I was weary of working for someone else and having my schedule dictated.
I felt like a hamster on a wheel – moving but not making progress.
I knew I needed a plan to get organized.

I started with prayer and assessed my schedule – everything I was doing and had committed to spiritually and personally.
I took action to organize and prioritize my schedule and create systems and routines.
Now, I am able to reach my goals, have clarity, focus and joy in managing my life, home and ministry. I know exactly what to do every day and it feels AMAZING!
You can have all these things too.
God has blessed me to start and manage my home-based business as a Holistic Wellness Consultant.
My passion is helping women in ministry organize their life, home and ministry and support the systems of their bodies with natural, non-toxic wellness so they can have the energy to effectively serve God and use their talent to earn income.
Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Psalms 37: 4
7 Lessons I have learned in reaching my goals:
- Seek God in prayer and Scripture for wisdom
- Have a plan/strategy
- Stay focused: focus on one task at a time
- Be consistent in working toward my goals
- Take daily action
- Enjoy the process
- Celebrate my success
3 Steps to Start Reaching Your Goals
You might be wondering, “Can I reach my goals? I tried for years.”
Yes, you can reach your goals according to God’s will.
- You must be willing to assess where you are and set goals for where you want to be
- You must be willing to do the work (get organized and plan)
- You must be willing to invest in yourself and take daily action
If you are ready to set and achieve your goals and celebrate your success click the button to purchase my simple Goal Setting Worksheet with action steps.
If you found this helpful read my blog “4 Holistic Ways to Set Yourself up for Success”.
whoiscall · July 15, 2023 at 3:56 am
Channetta · July 20, 2023 at 7:47 pm
You are welcome.