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Do you ever feel like you have not accomplished anything at the end of your day?

I have been there

There have been days when I was “busy” but felt as if I did not accomplish what I needed to do that day. 

Even though I prepared a Bible study for women’s ministry, sat in front of the computer for 8 hours, ran errands, paid bills, or did loads of laundry, some days I felt as if I still had the next 365 days to accomplish in the next 24 hours.

You may have taken care of the kids, cooked breakfast, lunch, dinner, made snacks, helped the kids with homework, took the dog to the vet, cared for an elderly parent or sick loved one, and by the time you lay your head on the pillow your brain is whirling from your long list of things you did not get done.

Life can feel overwhelming!

Relax… take a deep breath

I found a solution that reduces my stress level and helps me get things done.

Holistic Habits

Habits that focus on your wellbeing and set you up for success.

I have learned that organization, setting priorities, good nutrition, hydration, fitness, granting myself grace, focusing on spiritual growth, healthy relationships, and sleep all play a significant part in my overall wellbeing and being a good steward of my day.

4 Holistic Habits to Practice Daily

1. Disconnect From Social Media
2. Prioritize 3 Things You Must do the Next Day on a Digital or Paper Calendar
3. Go to Bed at a Decent Hour

Sleep is critical to emotional, mental, and physical health

Having a consistent night-time routine helps reduce anxiety, calm the mind, and have better sleep quality.

My night-time routine includes a hot bath, yoga or pilates, essential oils to support my nervous system, prayer and Scripture.

4. End the Night Praying and Reading Scripture

There is so much chaos in this world. 

Reading the Psalms or the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and focusing on the Life of Jesus Christ before bed helps calm anxiety, comfort our souls, and relax the mind.

Set Yourself up to Have a FANTASTIC Day Tomorrow!

God bless you

Looking for more holistic wellness habits


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