Sharing is Caring

Self-care for women in ministry is not only important for spiritual wellness but also for emotional, mental, financial, and physical wellness.

I have learned that I function better when I focus on holistic care (caring for the whole being).

God created the female body intricately.

According to, there are 10 major human body systems:

Cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, immune, muscular, nervous, renal, reproductive, respiratory and skeletal.

You are the steward of your health. I am the steward of my health.

For the month of May, I am focusing on stewarding my lymphatic system. 

The first time I became aware of my lymphatic system was about 10 years ago while I was working at a home for abused children. 

I suddenly felt ill at work and went to lie on the sofa in the waiting room. 

That day I went to the doctor’s office for a checkup. 

I told the doctor my symptoms and how a few days earlier I noticed what felt like “knots” around my breast area while doing my nighttime routine of moisturizing my skin and breast self-exam. 

After the examination, the doctor said I had an ear infection and my lymph nodes were swollen due to the infection. 

She scheduled a mammogram just to be sure my swollen lymph nodes were not a serious health matter. 

I opted to treat my ear infection naturally and felt better in a few days. 

I went in for a mammogram. 

Praise God I got a good mammogram report! My swollen lymph nodes were due to an ear infection.

According to “The lymphatic system is part of your immune system. It moves fluid through your body, picking up waste, bacteria, and viruses. Your lymph nodes filter out the waste and flush it from your body.

I am excited to start a 14-day lymphatic support self-care routine guided by a registered nurse specializing in Lymphatic care on Sunday! Being in her support group inspired this blog.

I look forward to seeing how I feel after focused care for my lymphatic system.

I found 8 ways to support my lymphatic system through research:

  1. Avoid exposure to toxic chemicals 
  2. Dry brushing
  3. Massage
  4. Detox bath
  5. Drink plenty of water
  6. Move your body
  7. Deep breathing
  8. Gua sha stone

Supplies I am using in my 14-day Lymphatic support self-care routine based on my research: 

Quality matters when buying non-toxic wellness products. I only recommend Young Living Essential Oils for the essential oils and supplements I will use.

I started using gua sha stone facial massage a year ago after I received a stone as a free gift with my wellness product monthly order from Young Living Essential Oils. I notice a reduction in puffiness in my face and neck when I am consistent in using it in my face care routine.

I am not a medical professional. I am sharing my own personal wellness journey. I encourage you to do your own research and consult a medical professional before using suggested essential oils, supplements, or the lymph support self-care routine I am using. 

Comment below what system of your body will you focus on taking of this month?

God bless you


Chantal Martin · May 12, 2022 at 8:13 pm

What product do you use in a detox bath?

    Channetta · May 13, 2022 at 10:47 am

    I use 2 cups Epsom salt, 2 cups baking soda, 2 cups 3% hydrogen peroxide, 10 drops rosemary essential oil, and soak for 20 – 40 minutes. I add the oils to the salt before adding to water, it disperses the oil better. Each person’s body is different. Read instructions on product labels and consult a medical professional. Enjoy your relaxing bath!

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